Produced in the banner of Isabella movie tone by Sisily Buiju Kaiparoden, the film is based on a story by Anilraj. The film also features a bunch of comedy artists from the industry like Jagathy Sreekumar, Harishree Ashokan, Bindu Panikkar, K P A C Lalitha, Lalu Alex and Salimkumar. Actress Kavery also makes a comeback as Nancy's sister Jancy through the film. The film's story is narrated in the backdrop of interesting ceremonies and rituals of knanaya sabha, to which our prime characters belong to.Jayasuriya appear in an important role of Monichan in this film, while Kavya Madhavan appears as the heroine Nancy. He than becomes the father and mother of the child, taking it with him all around in his auto, just like a kangaroo takes the child in his pocket. It was at this junction, that Circumstances forced Josekutty to take care of an year old child. So there was no other option left for Josekutty, than to be in the race for a living in an auto rickshaw. More over, Josekutty has to marry off his younger sister Susanna, for which he needed a lump sum. One being his elder sister's husband,a staff of electricity board, who is quarrelling all the day to pay him back the money that he had spend earlier on the family. At present he is facing two grave problems that he has to find a way out. Josekutty has two sisters, his mother and a little insane elder brother who are depending on his income. But as the present economic situation of this tharavadu was quite pathetic, and Josekutty being the only person who has to look after all the affairs of the ancestral tharavadu, he decides to become an auto rickshaw driver, rather than to wait for a white collar job.
In the movie, Prithviraj is Josekutty, an educated youth, hailing from the famous Palakunnil tharavaadu. The flick which is the third movie directed by 'chess' fame Rajbabu, is an out and out entertaining humorous plot about a young man who is destined to look after an year old child. The good running of this film will be a strong indicator to the Malayalam industry that a dependable crowd puller other than the present superstars, has finally emerged from the younger stars in the form of Pritviraj.
With the super success of recent film 'Chocolate', Pritjhviraj's new release for Christmas ''kangaru'' has become a crucial film.